Txais tos rau peb lub vev xaib!

Nqis lag luam wholesale Kev Tsim Kho Cov Neeg Caij Tsheb Hoist thiab Cov Khoom Siv / Cov Khoom Siv Hoist Tsav hauv khib thiab Pinion Hoist

Lub hoist yog tsav los ntawm lub cev muaj zog, thiab tom qab ntawd tswj los ntawm electromagnetic nres thiab lub xauv nres kom tsis txhob khiav ywj pheej thaum lub cev tsis ua haujlwm, thiab tom qab ntawd lub cev muaj zog tau tsav kom qeeb thiab tsav lub log kom khiav.Lub log tuaj yeem raug mob nrog steel cables lossis lwm yam.Cov khoom no hu ua hoist

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Peb txuas ntxiv nrog peb lub siab ua lag luam ntawm "Quality, Performance, Innovation and Integrity".Peb lub hom phiaj los tsim kom muaj nuj nqis ntau dua rau peb cov neeg siv khoom nrog peb cov peev txheej nplua nuj, lub xeev-ntawm-the-art machinery, cov neeg ua haujlwm paub txog thiab cov neeg muab kev pabcuam tshwjxeeb rau Cov Nqis Lag Luam Lag Luam Hoist thiab Cov Khoom Siv / Cov Khoom Siv Hoist Tsav Hauv Rack thiab Pinion Hoist, Peb cov khoom thiab cov kev daws teeb meem tau lees paub dav thiab txhim khu kev qha los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thiab tuaj yeem ua tau raws li cov kev xav tau ntawm kev lag luam thiab kev sib raug zoo.
Peb txuas ntxiv nrog peb lub siab ua lag luam ntawm "Quality, Performance, Innovation and Integrity".Peb lub hom phiaj los tsim kom muaj txiaj ntsig ntau dua rau peb cov neeg siv khoom nrog peb cov peev txheej nplua nuj, cov tshuab ua haujlwm hauv lub xeev, cov neeg ua haujlwm paub txog thiab cov neeg muab kev pabcuam tshwj xeeb rauTuam Tshoj Passenger Hoist thiab Kev Tsim Kho Neeg nrog caij Hoist, Txawm hais tias tsis tu ncua lub sijhawm, peb tam sim no tau tsim kev sib raug zoo nrog ntau tus neeg ua lag luam txawv teb chaws, xws li cov los ntawm Virginia.Peb ruaj ntseg xav tias cov khoom lag luam hais txog t-shirt tshuab luam ntawv tshuab feem ntau zoo los ntawm ntau tus naj npawb ntawm nws cov khoom zoo thiab kuj raug nqi.

Electric hoist khoom nta:

Lub tshuab hluav taws xob hoist yog me me, lub teeb, nqa hnyav, ua haujlwm yooj yim, nyab xeeb, txhim khu kev qha thiab ruaj khov hluav taws xob crane.

JK hom ceev hluav taws xob hoist technical tsis:


Qauv j0.5 ua jk1.0 ua jk2.0 ua
Reducer center nrug 300 hli 350 hli 400 hli
ceev piv 33:1 ib 50: 1 52:1 ib
txoj hlua ceev 30m/ min 22m/ min 22m/ min
Input ncej ceev 1450r/m 1450r/m 1450r/m
txhawb zog 3 kwv 4 kwv 7,5 kwv
Hlau txoj kab uas hla ib 7.7 ib 9.3 φ11
hlua ntev 80m ua 100 m 80m ua
Qhov hnyav 190kg ib 300 kg 400 kg
Qhov ntev 765 × 624 × 340mm 850 × 809 × 400mm 1200850 × 520 hli

Peb txuas ntxiv nrog peb lub siab ua lag luam ntawm "Quality, Performance, Innovation and Integrity".Peb lub hom phiaj los tsim kom muaj nuj nqis ntau dua rau peb cov neeg siv khoom nrog peb cov peev txheej nplua nuj, lub xeev-ntawm-the-art machinery, cov neeg ua haujlwm paub txog thiab cov neeg muab kev pabcuam tshwjxeeb rau Cov Nqis Lag Luam Lag Luam Hoist thiab Cov Khoom Siv / Cov Khoom Siv Hoist Tsav Hauv Rack thiab Pinion Hoist, Peb cov khoom thiab cov kev daws teeb meem tau lees paub dav thiab txhim khu kev qha los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thiab tuaj yeem ua tau raws li cov kev xav tau ntawm kev lag luam thiab kev sib raug zoo.
Nqis lag luam wholesaleTuam Tshoj Passenger Hoist thiab Kev Tsim Kho Neeg nrog caij Hoist, Txawm hais tias tsis tu ncua lub sijhawm, peb tam sim no tau tsim kev sib raug zoo nrog ntau tus neeg ua lag luam txawv teb chaws, xws li cov los ntawm Virginia.Peb ruaj ntseg xav tias cov khoom lag luam hais txog t-shirt tshuab luam ntawv tshuab feem ntau zoo los ntawm ntau tus naj npawb ntawm nws cov khoom zoo thiab kuj raug nqi.

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